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Danish Technological Institute

PatSnap customer: Danish Technological Institute, is a leading research and technology organization, specializing in environmental technology, energy, agro technology, meat research and more.

The oldest RTO in the world.

Company representative

Stig Sorensen, Project Manager/Analyst, Danish Technological Institute

Stig Sorensen of Danish Technological Institute

Facts about Danish Technological Institute




Taastrup, Capital Region, Denmark

Company size:


Danish Technological Institute's PatSnap suite:

PatSnap Analytics

Quote from Stig Sorensen

"PatSnap’s data coverage is useful when analyzing various projects. The variety of search tools and features makes the whole process very efficient."

-Stig Sorensen, Project Manager/Analyst, Danish Technological Institute

The obstacle

Conducting in depth data and text mining, DTI needed a reliable search tool that was user friendly and cost efficient.

The solution

PatSnap’s breadth of data, and user-friendly solution provided DTI with the tools and filtering needed to make their data analysis more efficient, and comprehensive.

The outcome

With PatSnap, DTI has a clear picture of the patent landscape in various industries across Denmark, which they can use to analyze their strengths and weaknesses, as well as where a technology may be heading.

Leaders in Research and Technology

The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) is a leading research and technology organization (RTO). For 116 years they have helped their customers convert knowledge into technology and value, making them one of the oldest RTO’s in the world. With over 10,000 clients across the globe, DTI specializes in production, materials, environmental technology, business, energy, agro technology, meat research, and more. Their position as a technology institute makes them the natural mediator between companies, research, and academia.

Stig Sorensen, a Project Manager/Analyst at DTI, works in the social sciences sector, analyzing the space between technology and society including how they interact, what new technologies could mean, and their consequences for competitiveness, the educational systems, workforce, etc. He works to transform advanced knowledge and data into actionable insights that can be used by companies and policymakers.

The Influence of Data and Technology

Sorensen’s work often involves text and data mining — looking into various statistics, interviewing companies, and analyzing patent and innovation patterns. He leverages PatSnap’s breadth of data to extract meaningful insights, including who the leading innovators are in certain industries, what countries excel in different technology spaces, and with his added analysis, understanding a technology’s impact on society. Sorensen says, “I use PatSnap’s Connected Innovation Intelligence tool for patent insights to determine how a technology is evolving, where the technology is being implemented, what patents are already out there, and who are the key innovators in a region, to name a few.”

When analyzing Denmark, often Sorensen wants to understand the technology sectors they excel in, those they are behind on, as well as potential up and coming technologies. “Without data we may think because things are ‘important’ to us, then the technologies behind them are our strength, however this is not always the case.” Using PatSnap to analyze the innovation and patent trends within Denmark and the surrounding areas, Sorensen is able to make a more accurate assessment of the country’s strengths. Sorensen uses PatSnap data to take innovation measurements of geographical areas, such as the number of inventions within a specific technology space within a geographic region. “By doing so we can get a feel for how active an industry is, and I can map the hot spots, where we can see where developments are strong, vs. not that strong.” For example, Sorensen notes, Denmark excels in sustainable technologies, food technologies, and automation.

Simplifying Complex Data

“PatSnap’s data coverage is useful when analyzing various projects. The variety of search tools and features makes the whole process very efficient.” Sorensen further notes PatSnap’s simplification of IPC/CPC codes streamline the research process, “these codes have thousands of variations, no human being alone could know them all, and when you get detailed, they can be quite difficult to understand. PatSnap has configured this data, made it digestible and much easier to handle.”

When asked why PatSnap stands out against other innovation tools, Sorensen said, “PatSnap’s combination of affordability, ease of use, overview of data, as well as the ability to download data is what made us transition. The free databases don’t have the analytical tools PatSnap provides, so using it [PatSnap], makes our processes much more efficient. If I had to describe PatSnap in one word, I would say Innovation-meter, it really is a great way to measure innovation.”

Danish Technological Institute's PatSnap results